Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery

Each year, countless individuals undergo cosmetic surgery procedures, whether elective or not, many of which are performed by medical professionals. All medical professionals are trained and expected to keep their patients safe, even when performing elective cosmetic surgery. They are also expected to identify any potential problems that may have occurred either during or after such a procedure. As with any medical procedure, there exists a risk that the practitioner has committed serious malpractice.

If a plastic or cosmetic surgeon or other health care professional commits an error it can result in serious issues for the patient which may even extend to his or her loved ones. There are numerous dangers that can result in serious physical and emotional injuries. Often the patients are not properly informed as to these risks associated with cosmetic surgery. These types of errors can even result in wrongful death. Even if the risks are made known it is still the responsibility of the medical professional to take care of their patients to avoid issues or injuries.

It is important to know that you still have rights even if you or a loved one are harmed as a result of a cosmetic procedure. An experienced cosmetic surgery attorney will be able to assist you through the process and help you understand the complexities of litigation. The lawyer can gather the necessary evidence to help the client establish that the medical professional committed malpractice. Depending on the details of a case, an attorney can advise as to the most appropriate way to proceed, provide ongoing assistance during settlement negotiations, and take your case to trial if necessary.

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of a cosmetic procedure, seek the counsel and advice of a law firm thoroughly experienced in the specific complexities of cosmetic-related cases and proven in the courtroom. Medical Malpractice attorneys Nelson Robinson can clearly explain your legal options and handle the critical details associated with your case while you focus on your family’s recovery and well-being. If you have questions regarding such matters, please contact us by email or call us at (212) 962-1740 and let us help you protect your rights.

Main Office

Our firm is located at Park Place and Broadway, across from City Hall Park.

11 Park Place, Suite 711
New York, NY 10007

Telephone: (212) 962-1740
Facsimile: (212) 962-2142

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